Monday, 6 December 2010

Splash of Colour for December.

Here is my contribution to the splash of colour started by siverpebble.

I tried really hard to find something that wasn't red and Christmassy. Not sure that I could live with this myself!
Despite saying I didn't want to use red I couldn't resist these

not something I would wear myself but they were too hard to resist.

Enjoy the rest of your week,

Sue x


  1. I wouldn't be able to walk in either of those pairs of shoes but they are lovely!


  2. I don't wear high heels and pointy toes at all, but they do look great and on the right person with the right outfit they would look fabulous!

  3. I could live with that purple sideboard as well as those fab shoes. Gimme, gimme, gimme :0)

  4. Lovely splashes of colour! Don't think I could live with the purple cupboard either although it looks great in the shop window:)

  5. Love the shoes - although I think I would probably fall over and sprain my ankle if I tried wa;king in them!!

  6. I used to wear shoes like that now its wellies that suit my lifestyle better! |Lovely splash of colour Em xx

  7. Hi Sue,
    I'm catching up with emails after being away for a few days. I love those red shoes and confess to a little retail therapy today. I bought some black heels which were gorgeous and on sale. I haven't worn heels for ages so it's going to be interesting to see how I go.

  8. Aren't ladies strange! My wife has just had her hair dyed red. Didn't ask me! Looks fine. Lovely little blog by the way.

  9. Hi Sue, yes, the deli was open in Wells, always is it seems! very popular
